The information provided on this website is for the purpose of general information only.

All systems of prediction have their limitation. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Before consulting the Astrologer and following her advice, please consider all aspects of your immediate reality while taking any decision or action.

While all care and caution will be exercised by this Astrologer before replying to your query, this Astrologer takes no responsibility for outcome of events. This Astrologer is not liable for any loss or damage, real or imaginary, to self, property, health, relationships, money, profession, direct or indirect, which may result from a decision taken as a consequence of consulting her. Please use your own judgement in life.

Astrological advice is based on your time, place and date of birth; while place and date of birth may be known, there could be inaccuracy in recording the time of birth. This will give erroneous results in predictions. The System of Astrology as is known today to humankind is neither perfect nor complete. Astrology is not a substitute for common sense. The advice given by this Astrologer, although given in good faith, is only an opinion based on an Ancient System of prediction, inputs received from you regarding your birth details and her knowledge of the subject and should be regarded as such.

- Sushama Usgaonkar