
A Horoscope is a personal birth-chart. It is the position of Planets in the sky at the time of birth. A Horoscope is a symbolic format of planetary positions.

Astrology is an interpretation of this birth-chart. A Horoscope is unique to each individual and it is permanent in this life-time. A Horoscope can reveal much about life: Childhood conditions, Relationships with parents, siblings, spouse, friends, Professional life, Creative abilities, Financial condition, Family life, Health issues, Accidents - physical, financial or in relationships, Areas of Challenges, Areas of Success and Growth.

Dashas (Mahadashas and Antardashas), or life cycles are determined by the position of the moon at birth. These are a significant part of Vedic Astrology as they mark the phases of life. These are fixed at birth. Life cycles are 9 in number and total 120 years - assuming that a human being will not live beyond 120 years. On careful introspection, it will be seen that we undergo phases in life. These are controlled by the ruling planet of the Dasha and its natal position.

So, if a horoscope is permanent and life cycles (Dashas) are fixed, what causes changes in life? Progression of Dashas (Mahadasha and Antardashas) and transit of planets cause change in circumstances as also in life.

Transit of planets, known years in advance and interpretation of Dashas, is a tool to plan the future. Preparation combined with opportunity is the key to success. So while preparation is in your hand, Astrology will indicate the time when opportunity is going to knock.

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